Your Thoughts Matter
- Find out more about OCPH’s major communication skills intervention for health organisations in the VCCC Webinar Empowering consumers to tell us what really matters, presented by Professor Peter Martin, Meg Chiswell and consumer faculty member, Joanne Hickman, February 2024.
Conversations Matter
- Previous Conversations Matter Webinars are available to view on the OCPH Vimeo Channel.
Online courses
- Access free online education modules designed to assist doctors, nurses and allied health professionals delivering end-of-life care in acute hospitals.
- VitalTalk also have a range of tools, resources and online courses.
Membership, research and guidelines
- Visit the International Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH) to find out about conferences, workshops, membership and research updates.
- Find out about plans for an extensive systematic review of Interventions for improving medical students’ interpersonal communication in medical consultations.
- Access the American Society of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO) Guidelines, Tools and Resources.
- Clinical Communications as part of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare.
Suggested readings
- Skills for Communicating with Patients, 3rd edition: The first entirely evidence-based textbook on medical interviewing.
- The Consensus statement on an updated core communication curriculum for UK undergraduate medical education
- SPIKES protocol for breaking bad news.
- Associate Professor Orford’s personal experience on the importance of being heard made the news.
- Find out the prevalence of eliciting the patient agenda – and interruptions – in clinical settings.
- Talking about dying: How to begin honest conversations about what lies ahead, a report from the Royal College of Physicians.
Teaching in the clinical workplace
- Using “teach-back” to promote a safe transition from hospital to home: an evidence-based approach to improving the discharge process.
- Dis-integration of communication in healthcare education: Workplace learning challenges and opportunities.
Shared decision making
- A three-talk model for shared decision making: multistage consultation process.
- Evidence-based decision making to achieve the best, safest care for children.
- Shared decision making: Concepts, evidence, and practice.
Patient experience leading the way
- National Patient Experience Survey report, Ireland, and the response to the findings of the survey.
Life limiting illnesses, ICU, and Advanced Care Planning
- Effect of communication skills training on outcomes in critically ill patients with life-limiting illness referred for intensive care management: a before-and-after study.
- A prospective observational study of prevalence and outcomes of patients with Gold Standard Framework criteria in a tertiary regional Australian Hospital.
- Patient values informing medical treatment: a pilot community and advance care planning survey.
- Prevalence, goals of care and long-term outcomes of patients with life-limiting illness referred to a tertiary ICU.